Merry Belated Christmas!

Hi there!

It’s quite a long time since I posted my last blog entry. Two months ago, I returned to Japan from my last studying abroad in America this year. I learned a lot and painted a lot there. I started blogging again my art blog, so if you are interested in what I’m painting, please visit my another blog.

In two months, I’ve been still learning conversational English, of course, and sometimes have been helping my friend from America. He has been making a podcast and sometimes, I’ve been joining him.

Yesterday my friend, Matt and I talked about Christmas on his podcast. I’m sharing how we Japanese people spend the Christmas day in Japan. Most of us are Buddhist, and Christmas in Japan doesn’t have any Christianity meaning at all. We celebrate our Christmas in our way.

Last night was a Christmas day in Japan, and my family and I ate some typical Japanese Christmas dinner. We ate KFC fried chicken and a piece of Christmas cake. I prefer going out to eat dinner at a fancy restaurant on the Christmas day,  but yesterday wasn’t a national holiday. We will go to a fancy restaurant next weekend to celebrate belated Christmas day in our way.

Anyway, first of all, listen to our podcast that Matt and I made and then visit my blog again.

You can understand more why I posted this blog entry.

Here is the podcast that we made:

My friend, Matt has been teaching English online. Here is his website:

From now on, I sometimes link his podcast that I help and write a blog entry that relate the podcast here.

Thanks for visiting my blog again!  I know it’s a bit late, but Merry Belated Christmas even though I’m not sure if in English people say like that, lol!





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